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HomeWho is CAL

Who We Are

The Colorado Authors League (CAL) supports and promotes its community of published writers while connecting with and adding value to the reading world.

Formed in 1931, authors become members to:

  • keep up with changes in the craft of writing, publishing and marketing. CAL wants to understand the many changes taking place because of our digital, connected world. As an organization, we want to help shape solutions for the future.
  • gain greater visibility for their writing by working with a group than they might find on their own.
  • join a group of like-minded people who love writing, with whom they can share their knowledge, experience, joys of publishing, and contest wins, but also commiserate about losses, rejection letters, and lagging sales. In short, they find new friends.

Member benefits include:

  • Inclusion in CAL's membership directory
  • Access to CAL's newsletters, updates, and info on special events
  • Participation in the CAL community through meet-ups, events, and cooperative promotion and support groups
  • Eligible to join our CAL goodreads group and pull your books onto the bookshelf
  • Eligible for book and poetry promotions on CAL's social media pages
  • Participation in special events like the Little Free Library Book Bomb and future writing prompts books
  • Participation in retail CAL co op booths
  • Eligible to nominate candidates for the annual Lifetime Achievement Award
  • Eligible to enter CAL's Writing Contest
  • Eligible to use award stickers on your books if you are a winner or finalist in the contest
  • Invited to the annual Awards Ceremony held in the spring
  • Invited to the annual Holiday Party
  • Eligible to volunteer for a CAL board or committee position

If you have published books, poems, essays, or articles in the last three years, you may be eligible to join The Colorado Authors League. Find out HERE

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Mastodon (not just for romance)