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Alex Galassi 

Aurora, CO

Contact Information

Aurora, CO

Personal Information

Apr 3

Additional Information

Fantasy, Science Fiction, Science Fantasy, Action Adventure
I am a debut author, my book's official release date was on November 15th. It's titled Battle for Ek
Alex Galassi
I play a lot of Dungeons and Dragons. I am in two campaigns; one as a player, and one as a DM. In the game that I am the Dungeon Master, I am playing in my own world of Eklatros.

I also enjoy reading science fiction and fantasy, as well as comics and manga from time to time. My favorite franchises are Final Fantasy, Marvel, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Pokémon, Transformers, and Jurassic Park.
I'm a website developer
Online Search


Alex Galassi was born in Littleton, Colorado in the early 1990s and has lived in Colorado his entire life. He received his Bachelor’s Degree at the University of Colorado in Boulder in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication. Currently, he works as the Lead Developer at Blue Zenith Design + Strategy, a small business started by his mother that creates websites and helps small businesses with their digital branding and marketing. When he is not at work making websites or writing fiction, he enjoys hiking and camping in Colorado’s beautiful mountains and playing Dungeons & Dragons with his friends.

Find all of my links on my linktree page: